Wednesday 26 November 2014

Help!-- ''My daughter will die if she doesn't stop drinking hand sanitiser'' Mum reveals family's alcoholic nightmare

An alcoholic woman has been told she will die if she does not stop drinking hand sanitiser as a cheap way to get her fix.

There are different levels of addictions and things people get addicted to; both edible and weird substances. Drinking hand sanitiser has made the list.

42-year-old Kristine, consumes up to six ounces of hand sanitiser everyday for about two years and has been abusing alcohol for eight years despite a drink driving charge and a near death experience.

Her mother and sisters say her out-of-control behaviour is destroying their family. As things got so bad Kristine was in a coma for two weeks after her family took the decision to pull the plug on her life support system - but miraculously pulled through. (read more after the cut)....
Speaking on Dr. Phil Show in the Us, Kristine said: "I've been drinking hand sanitiser for about two years. I found out about drinking it in rehab. So I have a bottle, and I'll fill this up with my eight ounce bottle. I'll open it and just have a shot. A couple of hours later - the rest. It tastes like a shot of very strong alcohol. Hand sanitiser is about 140 proof. It's disgusting and weird to hear myself say that I drink hand sanitiser."

Kristine also said that she's been drinking because she hates her family an the way they treat her. She has been to rehab three times and gone through two divorces.

The Dr Phil show followed Kristine as she battled to beat her addiction. At the end of a show broadcast on Monday, she was sent to Origins Recovery Centre for treatment.

Via: Mirror Uk

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