Sunday 2 November 2014

WAHALA! Chinese Landlord bugs female tentants bathroom and bedroom with pinhole camera to spy on them

A male landlord from Haidian, district of Beijing-China has been arrested and detained for allegedly bugging his female tenants' bathroom with a one-way mirror and bedroom with pinhole camera so he could spy on them.
According to reports, the landlord has posted rental advertisements stating he wants "Only single young women."

Following investigations after one of the female tenants unexpectedly discovered their nude photographs in the landlord's cell phone and reported to the police; it was discovered that a hole has been drilled into the wall behind a two-meter mirror inside the tenants bathroom, which allows someone from the other end and outside to see what is inside the bathroom. The peeping-tom-landlord also installed a pinhole camera in a loudspeaker that is in the girls bedroom.

"Someone outside the bathroom can also see what is going on in the bathroom due to the one-way mirror". the girls claimed."
More pictures below....

credit: news.163/Shanghaiist

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