Monday 19 January 2015

Fast and Furious Princess Michelle Rodriguez reveals she can't be with someone more than 6 months

The Fast and furious princess Michelle Rodriguez, who has dated both women and men including co-star Vin Diesel, actor Zac Efron and topmodel, Cara Delevingnen revealed in an interview with Interview magazine that she can't be with anyone for more than six months, while speaking on having kids, she said "don't leave hat sh*t on me".

Read what she said below...
"Look at me! I have absolutely nothing consistent in my life. But that's where serendipity comes in and I love that. One day I'm going to have to sacrifice that to bring life into the world. But the more I can hold off on that, the happier I'll be. It's scary for me. I'm a lone wolf…the thought of being in a long-lasting relationship? Psh, I couldn't last more than six months with somebody, let alone have a father figure around for a kid"

On having kids, she said; 

"Having kids — don't leave that sh*t to me. I'll get a surrogate. I do what I want, when I want, how I want, and because of that, it has taken me so long to grow into an adult human being. I wouldn't want to sacrifice the last years that I have of being youthful in this business to have kids…It's been 15 years since I was the lead in my own feature, in Girlfight. So I haven't done what I came here to do…I don't want to sell myself short by having a kid and then regret not doing what I set out to do."

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