Sunday 9 November 2014

Photos: Seeing these 21 Celebrity Lookalikes from years ago would probably make you believe in reincarnation

Justin Timberlake (left) and this mug shot of a criminal from the 1800’s

Jennifier Lawerence (left) and Zubaida Tharwat, an Egyptian Actress born in Alexandria in 1940

Christina Aguilera (right) and Ginger Rogers, an American actress born in 1911 in Missouri

Jason Segal (right) and Lee J. Cobb, a famous American actor that died in February 1976

 Bruce Willis (left) and Douglas MacArthur, the famous WWII General that died in 1964

Jimmy Fallon (right) and Mahir Cayan, a Turkish politician who was killed in the 1970’s

Ellen Degeneres (left)and Henry David Thoreau, an American author, poet, and philosopher born in 1817 in Concord, MA

Conan O’Brien (right) and Marshall Henry Twitchell, a Republican senator in Louisiana during the Reconstruction. Born in 1840 and died in 1905

Alec Baldwin (right) and American President Millard Fillmore, who died in 1874

 Zach Galifianakis (left) and Louis Vuitton, a French businessman that founded the famous leather goods company named after him

Johnny Depp (right) and Arthur Schopenhauer, a German philosopher that died in 1860
Jay Z (right) and this man from Harlem who was photographed in 1939

Maggie Gyllenhaal (right) and Rose Wilder Lane, an American journalist and novelist born in 1886
Orlando Bloom (left) and Nicolae Grigorescu, a founder of Modern Romanian Painting that died in 1907

Via: Popwebnews

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