Thursday 15 January 2015

Rihanna shows off her pregnant stomach in sexy bikin

MediaTakeOut are seriously bent on laying bare to the whole world that they are sure 'The Unmbrella' singer Rihanna is pregnant for Leonardo Dicaprio. And she's got some spider veins on her leg. Is that even spider veins as they claim? ...Well, if it's true...that would be lovely to know that RIRI is pregnant.

Find MTO report below..
: BROKE THE NEWS - that Rihanna is PREGNANT and it appears that Leonardo DiCaprio is the babys father - now we have UNCONTROVERTED EVIDENCE. Look at the before and after pics of the back of Rihanna's leg.
The first pic (below in a bikini) was taken late last fall, when Rihanna was on a Mediterranean yacht trip. The back of her legs are CLEAR AS DAY.

The second pic (below in leggings) show that Rihanna has come down with a case of Spider veins - all in the last FEW WEEKS!!
Spider veins are NOT VERY COMMON in women under 30 - unless they're PREGNANT. According to the website LiveStrong, "According to, the expanding uterus can put pressure on a large posterior vein (inferior vena cava), affecting blood flow to and from the heart. This can spur the development of varicose veins during the first trimester or later stages of pregnancy (though not all women will get them)." wasthe FIRST NEWS SOURCE to break the news that Rihanna IS PREGNANT . . . when the rest of the media world CATCHES UP WITH US - you can tell all your friends where you got THAT TEA FIRST - on!!!

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